Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hi, It's me CD...Remember Me?

I love the Penair gate (weird, I know) but there are always several locals to visit with...and people who move to ANC and leave us. :(

Wow...FEB 21st already. I went to ANC for 2 days ( trips in for medical that aren't too all went very well) Got to go to Costco and buy 20, yes 20 pounds of chocolate chips...we have chocolate needs here :) They're in my big freezer. Heather and I go to eat our favorite meal at our favorite restaurant (Moose's Tooth!!)
We went to see Avatar in Extreme 3d was good. Oddly close to the Native Science class I have.
I saw Alena in the airport on the way home, I haven't seen her in AGES! I have to run into her in ANC...crazy! It was so fun to visit with her, I miss talking to her all day, except when one of us is crabby LOL..

Bella got into my gym bag, got tangled in the handle and was about to eat my shoe-- I thought it was funny!

And Manderzz giving Bella a bath, what good girls I have.
She deals with her baths quite patiently.
Too many people on AKWISP or something, the 7 pics took forever to upload. Soooo I PROMISE to post every day this week...and next week --I'll be traveling again and should have more to say, other than, I worked out, I did homework, I worked on my to-do list, cleaned, drove kids to events and walked my dog. That is about the extent of my excitement lately.
OK there are lots of events too, I've just been a lazy picture-taker....


  1. YAAAAAAAAAAA WHOOOOOOOOO posts posts!! happy dance happy dance!! Jr looks most handsome in his pic!!

  2. Oh ps GYRO pizza ARGGGG I want some that ASAP!!

  3. Thanks for posting the pix! Say hi to everyone for me. Spring Break is almost here...we'll see you on the return? Hope so. Talk to you soon, Heth

  4. yup...gyro pizza AND smoked salmon cesear yummmmy! HLB..fwding itin now & stressing as the 7500mile seats are filling up :( Don't know if I can get him over...but there is another trip later in March hehe

  5. Bella pictures yeah!!! Wow she has grown she looks like the happy dog. Aw she just wanted to smack on momma's shoe. Yummy pizza and salad. Glad you had a good trip hope all is going well. When Manderzz gets through washing Bella she can try to wash the aero acrobatic boys. The kittens are growing and they love water.

  6. Hi CD! I got your appt. this Wed...will know more then. I miss you all so much and cry when I think about Dutch. I hope to come back to work, but really don't think I will. I will, however be there in March or April to visit....I miss my dog sooo much. Sherrie is here now, enjoying her visit alot! Take care and keep blogging, it makes me feel closer to "home". Love, Lauri

  7. I was beginning to wonder....but I know how it is, especially being camera lazy. Or low on batteries. Or just plain worn out. I wish Tiva would be so kind when she is being forced to take a bath!

  8. great pics. Love the senior pic. that is one big bath. Bella is adorable!
