Friday, April 10, 2009


YUMMMY just ate lunch at Margaret's Bay Cafe with Sonia!! I even ordered sweet potato fries (teasing all those out of town, except Sharon and Kristine to them SORRRYYYYY don't mean to talk about food as you starve in Akutan.....It keeps snowing and my hubby ignored the plea to stop by and grab you!

I have been resting, but taking walks too it's been a weird week. I deserved fries!!
Not sure what we're doing on Easter, is the kid working or not??? That will dictate some of the day. I just was looking back at some cute Easter shots:


  1. You PROMISED not to eat sweet potato fries till I got back!!
    Bad CD!! Bad!!!
    And I have been bothering Junior every day by text to do nice things for you.

  2. Yup, Found it!!!

    cookie dough said...
    ohhh never mind, I see it's not quite spring there yet! Wow...what a contrast to your new home, huh??? I'm not eating sweet potato fries until you're back!!

    April 7, 2009 9:52 AM

    Bad Bad CD!!

  3. It was a bad week!!!! I neeeeded them :( SORRY!!!

    Now my daughter has pneumonia!! We spent 2.5 hours in THAT CLINIC to get chest x-rays and a blood draw...there is just some awful bug hitting my family, well 3 of 5 SO FAR!!!
    There is a white out right's APR it's not cute anymore!!

  4. Oh no, sorry your baby is sick!! Hope you all get better soon. I had sweet potato fries at lunch today, too. But I didn't promise not to.

  5. They're sooooo good. I had the spicy catsup?? That was new, I've had taziki (sp?) and ranch...ummmm obviously they're good with ANY condiment! I bet you had ice tea too?? Delicious!!

  6. CD sorry to hear your daughter is ill hope she gets better soon. Yep sweet potato fries and spicy sauce are yummy. We have a place here that serves them by the half or full basket. They are one of my favorites. The Easter pictures are great I like the bunny and your daughter very precious,

  7. I just want to say, as an artist, I am highly impressed with that spectrum of eggs!

  8. Wow! That's a great compliment coming from you Liz. We're sooo not artistic. BUT I've made 12 gorgeous shades for everyone else to dye 4 18pk while I'm gone!!! We'll see what they come up with :)

  9. Hope your daughter is feeling much better now. Your family is not having very good luck (health wise that is) - take care of yourself. The pics of your daughter are adorable! I LOVE sweet potatoe fries. Our chef here at work makes them about once a week and I don't pass them up.
