Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dancing at Camp Qungaayux

Juno & DJ's class of Unangan dancers. Dills is in red and Manderzz is in the middle behind the boy with a white t-shirt.
LOVE the happy smile Juno!

Those pants are hard to miss!

Recognize CO from the back? His buddy AS is on vacation we haven't seen him much in the past week, he was the most enthusiastic student in the class, cute!!

Manderzz, with the cool new layered hair. I'm going to see if her and Juno will dance at one of our bonfires --yeah right! I'd have to bribe her with a big order of clothing from Delia's, Justice or Abercrombie Kids --she's gotten way too good at looking at clothing for me to buy for her!

Moses Dirks, my kids' favorite MALE teacher (Pattycakes is their favorite too!!) and DJ.

Dyl and the other drummers...Larz and one of Alena's nephews --Nicky? is in the group too.

So, Juno...I tease her a's my job as her boyfriend's mum, right?? But she and Pattykins' daughter DJ teach dance at culture camp and they do a nice job! Manderzz would've rather been weaving and Dyl prefers bentwood hat making. Manderzz hid in the second row and Dills brought the drum he made last year to avoid dancing, that works..too bad he had his hood on!

1 comment:

  1. Nice video CD loved watching the kids the dancing looked lots of fun. Hee Hee Dills and his drum. The get at that age sometimes where they want to hide. yeah I bet Manderzz would hold out for a large assortment of clothes. Julia brought her laundry over here ended up getting the big blankets on my bed. I am going to have to purchase a new quilt for my bed she got my old spread. Sigh oh well it beeded replacing and the local Discount store has a good deal on some. Thanks for sharing the dancing pictures Juno looks like she is having fun.
